Monday, April 30, 2012
Having A Wonderful Journey From This Door
Having A Wonderful Journey From This Door
The door in the picture is one of my favourite doors. This door belongs to Xian History Museum. Xian is one of the oldest cities in China, there are so many historical interests and antiquities such as Terracotta warriors. Xian History Museum also is a must-see place when you are travelling to Xian. I am so lucky that have a opportunity to visit this museum in the summer holiday of 2007. This picture was took when I was going to enter the museum. I looked up unconsciously, suddenly I was shock of the roof of the door. As you see in the picture, the roof of the door is very magnificent that like a swallow spread its wings and soar. As I know, it is imitated of Chinese ancient temples. I was attract to this design which can blends the classical and modern features. So I took this picture immediately.
I think this door not only is a simple door, but also is a magical door because it connects modern and ancient times. Once you go through this beautiful door, you will start a wonderful journey. You will meet a lot of people who you are very familiar such as QIN SHI HUANG who is the first emperor of China, and you will see some antiquities which you just can see in the book before such as Tri-color glazed pottery which was produced in Tang Dynasty of 2000 years ago. As my experience, I believe you also will enjoy yourself so much as to forget to leave. In my opinion, the opening of this door means if you are a visitor of the museum, then you will have a opportunity to realize the precious Chinese historical knowledge.
Although not everyone is interested of Chinese history, I still strongly recommend to travel Xian History Museum. And if you can arrive there, do not forget pay an attention to the beautiful door and take a picture of it.
The Door Connect to The Other World
This picture always bring me impace. Do you know who is this guy? Of course, he is not me and he was my classmate when I stay in primary school. And I am not going to talk about him, so don't focus on him. I took this picture from my primary school after we finished the graduation. We were trying to make some more memory from this class.
I never forget this door from my class. I felt a lot pressure when I got in this class every time. I felt so hard to breath because everybody just tried to study hard and the classroom was too quite. The classroom and the hallway were very different. The hallway always has some noisy. When you just get in the classroom from the hallway. You will feel like you maybe go to the wrong place. You just go to the other world. The atmosphere made me forget anything except study. We felt nervous and worried about the final grade every time because the final grade is decide what school we will go to. We were studying every day. We couldn't stop because when we stop, we will total lose. In China, if you can't get a good grade or you can't get a grade better than others, they will call you loser.
When I grauate frome this school, I never think about my high school and anything else. I tried to make some more memory for me and try to do something for take a break.
I never forget this door from my class. I felt a lot pressure when I got in this class every time. I felt so hard to breath because everybody just tried to study hard and the classroom was too quite. The classroom and the hallway were very different. The hallway always has some noisy. When you just get in the classroom from the hallway. You will feel like you maybe go to the wrong place. You just go to the other world. The atmosphere made me forget anything except study. We felt nervous and worried about the final grade every time because the final grade is decide what school we will go to. We were studying every day. We couldn't stop because when we stop, we will total lose. In China, if you can't get a good grade or you can't get a grade better than others, they will call you loser.
When I grauate frome this school, I never think about my high school and anything else. I tried to make some more memory for me and try to do something for take a break.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Windows + Doors = Opportunities
Windows and Doors
Have you ever heard someone saying that when you dream with a door/window opening, it means that something good is going to happen to you? Well...Personalty, I feel like that's kind of true. I don't want to say that we have to believe 100% to our dreams, but the symbols or the meanings that things have for us are important. In psychology for example, is very important when a child or an adult draws buildings or a ladder, or even a tree. That means that the person has a goal(s) and some other things that only pshycholist should know. Anyways, keeping in mind that this symbols exists and has a meaning is important.
In my case for example, I was working as a nanny in Marin county taking care of a beautiful boy. I loved him, but for more that I loved my kid and the family, I wanted to do something different and that was what I did. One day, I decided to tell the boy's mom that I had decided to look for another job and she understood for more painful that the new was. Then the boy's mom started looking for a new nanny and as she didn't trust anybody, she decided to get an AU PAIR (an international nanny). Before the AU PAIR arrived from Mexico, I've been looking for a job very hard and was very desperate because I couldn't find anything. But fortunately, the same day the AU PAIR arrived, I got a phone call from my work after they interviewed me to offer me the position I had applied for. I almost couldn't believe it. I thought that my door as a nanny had closed and that it had been my fault, but when I got the job that I've been looking for, I felt realized!
Now I can say that doors are open for you, you just need to find the right one.
It has beautiful inside
This is an old style window. Although it doesn't have beautiful looking, it has a very nice and special inside since you enter this personal apartment.
Window has a lot of meaning and it also has so many functions. Especially a window in a room, it is so important for you and your family's breath. Have you found that no air can enter your room without a door opening. That is why a window has so many importance. On the other hand, we always describe eyes are the window of heart, and it means a lot of stuff from our heart can express though eyes. so from the window of the eyes, we can consider what the good person looks like, whereas, what the bad person looks like. From this window, it reminds me a view spot in shen zeng, China. It was called the world's window. I had been there once when I was in China. The world's window was so nice. It had a lot of different view all over the world.
From this picture of a window, although It doesn't have a special meaning to me , I found it is has very special looking. It is not a classic , and it is even an old style window. It is a window of my friend's house. The house is located on California st, which is between Polk and Lakin. Every time I go to the house, I enjoy the fresh air from this window, and it also made me feel comfortable when I was sitting in the dinning room with such a special looking window.
From this window, it made me learn about consider a person whether he is good, not only looking at the outside, we need to discover the real inside.
Good Memories---It Changed My Life
Look at the picture. It was taken two years ago before my family moved to San Francisco. My ancestors were anchored in a poor small village in China . I lived in the old
house since I was born. I had lived there for over twenty years before I went to college. I spent
my childhood there. It remained me lots of good memories. Often that childhood
experiences affect greatly to people's thinking and their adulthood’s life. Because my life was changed completely by the door, it is special to me. Although
I had faced an extremely difficult time when I was young, the door opened for me to get more knowledge. It was the door that gave me a big opportunity to go to the college, and became a middle school teacher, which was my best interest
Our living condition was very hard. My family had only three bamboo beds
for eight members to sleep. I still remember vividly
the roof of our house, always leaked water when each raining season. Surrounding our house is a lot of rice fields. We often saw snakes and little animals in the house. Living in poverty during my childhood had taught me well to challenge the difficulties. In addition to the door changed my life, I am fortunate to have
a dedicated mother, who had worked deadly in the rice field in order to get me
a proper education, and who constantly reminded me how education is important
to one's life. Her words always traveled with me, "Hard working and
education are the core of success." Though the fact that I had only two
years of high school and couldn't understand English in first year, I graduated
high school and achieved my two-year college degree. I
my goals because the door gave me courage and I did my best to study hard. In contrast, my parents could afford for middle school's tuition, and they were forced to labor at their teens. They only graduated in a primary school. Nowadays, whenever I meet my obstacles in life, I try to overcome and remember my old days. Those days remind me of how fortunate
of my current life.
Invisible doors
Doors, for us it is all too familiar ,but the doors have the door of knowledge of the mind, the door of happiness, the door to success. And the world we live in, like a maze, on the wall, there are many invisible secret door, in order to find a shortcut through the secret door, it is necessary to have a pair of living eyes. Spiritual water bubbling out through the eyes, heart to the eyes of this particular function, so first of all to remain optimistic. If you always thought that in front of a wall insurmountable, how to find the gates of hope?As the saying goes, there are many roads to Rome. A problem there are many solutions, when our brains remain flexible, be possible to solve it effectively and succinctly.
I once read a story in a magazine:A young man has just inherited a forest estate. A few days later, a fire mercilessly devouring it. The young man felt fate was unfair, and depressed all day. His grandmother know this exhortation he wrote: Do not be discouraged because of a momentary failure, try out some fresh air, we might have to come up with a good way. So this young man took to the streets. He walked aimlessly in the street when he passed a charcoal store to see many families of women in the queues to purchase charcoal. At this time, his eyes suddenly light up.After returning home, he got two burning charcoal workers, to collect wood from the farm to the processing, made on good charcoal to get the stores, the results of charcoal to be sold out. Later, he is not a small amount of income re-purchase of the saplings, the forest estate back to life.I could not help but admire the foresight and sagacity of the young man grandmother. The matter comes before us is going to solve it. And it is she reminded the young man, young man to find the secret door fan hope.In fact, every day will meet some of the diaphragm wall. In the eyes of those pessimists, is an insurmountable barrier in the eyes of optimists, these barriers is to constitute the numerous doors. The truly wise man will find it with his eyes full of vitality. So, when you pass through it, remember: Do not let your eyes lose their vitality.
Opportunity Knocks
“I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I'm not afraid to look behind them.” How true is this. Being adventurous is one thing that people should not be afraid of. There will be doors to be open in your life. This door is the door entrance of my apartment building. Since last year I moved to this apartment and I have seen my life, "getting into a new building." Since I moved here I have an entrance to a new stage of my life. I share this apartment with an important person, my boyfriend. Since we moved together we have learned a lot. For myself, sharing my life with a person every day is not really easy. Maybe many people are not ready for this step. In this transition I learned a lot also about myself. I believe that getting to know to someone is really important , specially if that person could be part of your life for long time. Being honest, having good communication and helping each other are the keys for a good relationship. Going into a new building and passing through a door is not always happiness, sometimes you also pass to difficult times. This door represents a lot to me, in a very good way. Every door that I have seen in my life represents something good to me. Sometimes not to good, but I think every day is an opportunity to learn something.
It is never closed for me
Even I forgot where my house is, the door never closes for me. I have lived in this house for four years. The house is my first house in the United States, and I still live in there now. My house is not a big one, but it makes me feel warm. When I get sad from outside, it can save me any time. I love to open the door to get home.
All and sundry would get problems from outside, or they don’t want to go out at that moment, so they need a warm house to save them. This door is open for me to get home to relax. Through the door, the world is more different with the outside. I don’t need to think what to talk with other people, and I don’t need to how to care of myself to have a quiet place. Open this door is meant open the way which is through to my family. None can hurt me when I stay in the door behind. Because the door was saving me, it helps me to isolate what I don’t want to bring into my home.
In the fact, this door is a small one as like my heart. Although I have a small heart, I can protect people who need me to help. I have the big power to help my family and my friends, even people think I am the weak one. I believed my house’s door is not the most beautiful one, but it is the best one for me. It is not the beauty one in the world, but nothing can better than it.
My Magic Door!!!
What is the first picture shows up in your mind when you see a word "the door!!!"? People might think about material that is just for entrance and exit. Some people may think of the door as comparison with an opportunity, and the key for solving a problem. However, in my opinion, when I think about the word "the door", I profoundly think about thing that links between two different places with opportunity.
As the picture above, this is a picture of a magic door from several parts in my favorite cartoon, Doraemon, that you can go wherever you want by just opening the door. When I was a kid, I really wanted to have one. I thought that I simply went to another place, or my favorite place without doing anything. It sounds like wonderful to have it, that you already know what is behind the door. Nevertheless, in the real life, it is absolutely impossible to have the door like in Doraemon cartoon. I have to find a right key, which means I have to do things and try my best to unlock the door, open it and get things I want. For instance, when I applied for a job in the multinational company in Thailand, I was interviewed in an English language. By the time, I had not talked and spoken in English very well, so I missed the job. Likewise, I did not have the key to walk through the door. That made me think, sometimes people get an opportunity to make good things happen with, but they have not enough qualifications, eventually, they will not obtain it. In the other word, sometime people have enough qualifications, but they do not get any opportunities to perform. In additionally, people have to put their effort and keep working hard to get achievements.
In my case, I already got an opportunity to get a career, whereas I just lacked of some qualifications, and did not attempt my best. Finally, I cannot make it that made me feel frustrated. That was why I came to the U.S. for improving my English skills to get ready for an opportunity in advance. Ultimately, Just find the key to open the door with strong purpose, and you will see what result is behind the door.
In my case, I already got an opportunity to get a career, whereas I just lacked of some qualifications, and did not attempt my best. Finally, I cannot make it that made me feel frustrated. That was why I came to the U.S. for improving my English skills to get ready for an opportunity in advance. Ultimately, Just find the key to open the door with strong purpose, and you will see what result is behind the door.
Story Behind The Door
This picture shows the door of my bedroom. It is a white wood door. "Pull" to open it, and " Push" to close it. Open the door means I'm back to my bedroom. This is a place I can do everything I want and make me feel happy and safety.
For the purposes of this door, it is open every day for me. If I have the key, it can be opend easily. One day I left the key inside and close the door. I can not open it when I want to came in. At that time I felt so lonely and this door changed cold, heartless, and unacquainted. I asked my landlord to help. She gave me all the keys that she had. I tried everyone and the door was still closed. She told me the key for this door was in the all of these keys for sure. I tried the second time and fortunately I found the key to open my door. After I went back to my bedroom, I thought carefully. The door is nothing changed and I was the same. The only one thing changed was the key and this key is the most important element. This relationship like my attitude with my study. The key is the time which I pay to in my study. If I work hard and I have the big chance to get grade A unless I get failed.
Every room has the door, but not every door can let you in. We would like to say the door is like an opportunity to everyone. I think the key is your attitude and your efforts. Why does everyone do the same thing have different results? I think the answer is someone who paid a lot and the success belong to him. The chance is not given by someone else and it need to be fought for with our action. If one company give us an opportunity to let us try, that means the door is opend for us. We can pass the probationary period and to be one of the members when we have the professional skills. We also can be dismissed if we do not have expertise.
The door is open or close are not important. The most important thing is find the right key. The key might be a real thing or an idea. Find the key is find the way to success. I found the key of my bedroom's door and it is familiar with me I wish I can find a master key to open all the door that I would like to. I believe this master key is knowledye.
This picture is a computer's wall-paper. It was copied from
Almost everywhere has doors and windows. Some of those were very important to us because they brought us the opportunities and challenges. However, did you think about this question: Which door or window is most important for you? When I think this question, my answer is COMPUTER with WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM. Maybe you will say that is not a real window, but I must say that computer exactly is a never closed the window of opportunity.
I use my computer do a lot of things. I changed my job and found better one through the computer when I worked in China, I searched a lot of useful imformation when I decided came to the United States, and I compared several colleges from Internet when I want transfer to a community college, even I went to City Hall's website made an appointment when I get married with my husband. No any other doors or windows can bring so many opportunities like computer. so I think Computer is the most important window for me. And coincidentally, my favorite computer operating system is WINDOWS.
When A Door Shuts ...
This is a window from a design of a very famous Architect name Tamaki Jun Kyoto. I see this imagen and I try to think about what is it meant for me, it's a peacefull white square that make me feel like if I were insight the house enojoying my own space.
White can always make you feel better, its a very nice and bright color. I can relate this window with our blog assignment as a oportunity, because we, sometimes, just have one oportunity, a clear and bright oportunity.
When I first came to The U.S as an au-pair I was feeling nervous, scared, and also happy for being here, I didn't know that this such a small oportunity to come and take care of kids, and make friends all over the world would've help me with what I'm doing now, studying in a strange country, with a different language. Still it feel surreal, like dream come true. We au-pairs or inmigrants have to go thru a lot of things, to be happy in this country. It can be the most amazing world you ever known or just a world full of oportunities, but all this good things come with sacrifice, valor, and a lot of hard work.
We all go thru stages, cultural shock, monotony, and last but not least is the worse part, HOMESICK, and when Im feeling like that I try to think about things that make me happy, or just spent time with my friends, and talk to my family, but also, it comes this picture, I imagine myself in that house, just sitting at that chair, and enjoying some time alone, the clarity of the house, the sun light, and all that make me feel better.
There's no just one thing I overcame since I'm here, but I know that when a door shuts down a window will always been open.
This is a window from a design of a very famous Architect name Tamaki Jun Kyoto. I see this imagen and I try to think about what is it meant for me, it's a peacefull white square that make me feel like if I were insight the house enojoying my own space.
White can always make you feel better, its a very nice and bright color. I can relate this window with our blog assignment as a oportunity, because we, sometimes, just have one oportunity, a clear and bright oportunity.
When I first came to The U.S as an au-pair I was feeling nervous, scared, and also happy for being here, I didn't know that this such a small oportunity to come and take care of kids, and make friends all over the world would've help me with what I'm doing now, studying in a strange country, with a different language. Still it feel surreal, like dream come true. We au-pairs or inmigrants have to go thru a lot of things, to be happy in this country. It can be the most amazing world you ever known or just a world full of oportunities, but all this good things come with sacrifice, valor, and a lot of hard work.
We all go thru stages, cultural shock, monotony, and last but not least is the worse part, HOMESICK, and when Im feeling like that I try to think about things that make me happy, or just spent time with my friends, and talk to my family, but also, it comes this picture, I imagine myself in that house, just sitting at that chair, and enjoying some time alone, the clarity of the house, the sun light, and all that make me feel better.
There's no just one thing I overcame since I'm here, but I know that when a door shuts down a window will always been open.
Ready as a soldier when a door of opportunity opened
When i turned 18, my possibilities of going back to school again were lost, but hope was the last thing i would lose. When i was 12 years old i stopped going to school for many reasons. Then at the beginning of each year of school i would only wish to go back to school. But, when i turned 18 i realized that my possibilities of going back to school were over. So, i forgot about school, and i decided to move on and look for some adventures, which was to come here. When i came here on March 20, 2006 i didn't think of school or learn a second language, what i wanted was just to enjoy living here and work a lot. That was enough for me. After, enjoying San Francisco and working hard for six months, i realized that i needed to do something more else, but i didn't know what would be. On August 16, 2006 i asked for a day off to celebrate my birth day on August 18, and that same day i met the owner of the restaurant that i work for. The manager gave me the day off, but the owner was not sure that i was already 19 years old, so he asked me if i go to school? Of curse my answer was no, thus he asked why not? I didn't know what say that time, so he started saying ''you should go school so you can manage my restaurants, and i think you are under 18'' Later at night i arrived at home, and started telling my bother what the owner of the restaurant had told me. My brother goes ''it is up to you there are a lot of city colleges here where they offer free English classes or where you pay a little to take other classes'' After hearing to these two great people, and from that moment i could see a big door of opportunity opening to me, which was to go back to school again that i always wanted to do when i was younger. On August 19, three days later i was sitting in a classroom at Civic Center Campus. I had registered for three ELS classes and a computer class, and i had quit my day job. I felt unbelievable, i felt like i was born again, i felt so excited like how i felt on my first day in elementary school, and i felt the joy of school in my heart and the joy of learning new things. I was very thank full that life gave me the hope to go back to school. So, from that time i have never stop going to school or learning new things. And hopefully i will never stop going to school until i get my degree, which is my goal, but who knows what can happen tomorrow? However, now i'm just going to keep enjoying school and learning new things.
I took this picture last year. It is a Grace Cathedral Church, and it is located on Taylor and California streets. I Chose this picture because i like its structure and especially its front, and since my first job in San Francisco was near this awesome Cathedral.
I took this picture last year. It is a Grace Cathedral Church, and it is located on Taylor and California streets. I Chose this picture because i like its structure and especially its front, and since my first job in San Francisco was near this awesome Cathedral.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Small Door,but More Opportunities
A door is small, or big that it doesn't matter with our opportunities. Take me as a examples, I went to a small college which not famous in China. At that time, most of the people in my family thought I cannot get enough chance or opportunities to get a good job. However, she gave me many opportunities to explore myself, to improve myself, and to make ture friends.
I joined some clubs in college, and I learned a lot from all this clubs;especially, I got a perious opportunities in the Asia Games as a volunteer.During the period of being a volunteer, I learned a lot that have not been writen in the book, and got new experiences. Lisewise, I went to other colleges with seniors, and learned some new things about a club. College is not only a college for you to study, but also give you chances to communicate with the society.
The college is just a first step to go to the society. Right now, I through ths door to go to another door" the United States" to begin my new life. I think as long as I work hard, I will have a brightly future.
Full of memories
As shown in the figure where is my primary school gate. And those two girls in the picture were my friend and me. I think the primary school was light of heart in our school life. We can act recklessly and fare for nobody laugh, no scruple without guessing.
Therefore, before I moved to the united states, my friend and I wanted
to go back our primary school to review the past school time. Because our
school rebuilt another new campus, so our old campus already belongs to another
middle school. Unfortunately, the school did not open at that day, we couldn't go in. we could only stand at the door outside, pop out our head to have a
look. The inside furnishings still, only different was that we were all grown
up. When we looked at the playground, we could still see the figure which we
played the little game. When the time flies, many things changed. We went to
different middle school, high school, and even ready to go different countries.
As we grow up, we need to concern more about different things than before. We have
to plan for our future, keep working for our life. The future still very long, different
places have different gates waiting for us. There is also waiting for you to create
more precious memories.
Although we couldn't go into school, we especially asked someone to take a photo for us. Primary school just a little part of my life, I believe as long as I keep my passion on everything, there will have a door open for me.
Friday, April 27, 2012
What Is Behind The Door
Many people have a door, which they want to walk through it, in their heart. I had a dream when I was a child. I wanted to study, and tried to live in other country. However, it would spend a lot of money, and my family couldn’t afford it, so I thought it was a dream forever. Nevertheless, you never know what happen in future. In a regular day, my mother told me that we could immigrant to the US. I was so excited when I heard the good news at the beginning. However, I had to give up my job, my friends and my stable life in my hometown if I left. When I thought I had to give up a lot of what I had owned, I didn't want to leave any more. My heart had floundered for a long time before I came to the US. Finally, I decided to go to the US because I wanted to know what was behind the door.
I remember it was dry and sunny on 13 NOV 2010, and I felt a little cold in the Hongkong international airport. There were a lot of people in the airport, and they walked so fast. In contrast, I walked really slowly. I didn't want to leave, but I wanted to walk through the “door” also. My breath was a little bit heavy. My heart was so complicate, a little bit sad and a little bit nervous. The Hongkong time was 8:30 am, and it was time to leave. I tried my best to remember every scene, and looked back many times before I walked into the plane. In the whole flying journey, I almost kept sleeping. When I was waded up by the radio of the plane, I had been above of San Francisco. I didn't believe the fact, and it was like a dream because I only got a sleep, but I had been in other country. When I finished some processes of checking out, it was 11:15 am, and the date was also 13 NOV 2010 in San Francisco. It was a sunny day, and the temperature of San Francisco was warmer than I imaged in winter. I carried my heavy luggage, and walked toward the exit of SFO. My heartbeat was faster and faster when I was closer and closer the exit. Finally, I stopped in front of a glass door. I couldn't see what was behind the glass door because a lot of sunshine was shining my eyes from outside. What was waiting for me behind the door, Happiness, pain or challenge? I didn't know. I just knew I would have a new life after I walked through the door.
All good thing come to an end
As for me, the hours I spent with my friends in childhood were happiest of my life. Especially the days in middle school and high school,because I made a lot of true friends at school. They handed out with you wasn't base on any commercial relationship. I think the friendships between us are sincere and pure. Tell the truth, my elementary school,middle school, and high school are in the same area. And I have lived in the district of dongshan,Guangzhou, China near my school for over ten years.
The picture was taken in my bedroom of old home before I moved to the suburb of Guangzhou, plus I already graducated from high school, my parents brought a better apartment to improve our living conditions. It is the last time I tidy up my bedroom. That's the reason why my bedroom is so mess at that moment. All sorts of feeling well up in my mind as I saw the familiar windows and shades. I miss the noisy of 1st floor's food market from coming in through my windows; I miss the sound of reading aloud from opposite middel school through my windows; I also miss the feeling of breeze brush my cheek when I open the windows. I remembered clearly that the days I cried secretly when I closed the windows and door in my bedroom. It always makes me feel safe, it is just like a refugee only belongs to me.
In fact, nobody can turn the clock back, so look forward. And I made a decission to leave for the United States in order to chase my dream. Though it is a challenge for me in studying and living, I believe that it is also a better
chance to developing independance and toughness. What's more, it will contribute to my future development. Of course, I will study hard and treasure the precious
opportunity. All good thing come to an end, In the other hand, god will provide a better one for you as long as you trust yourself and make an effort to do. Do you find the window to your future?
The picture was taken in my bedroom of old home before I moved to the suburb of Guangzhou, plus I already graducated from high school, my parents brought a better apartment to improve our living conditions. It is the last time I tidy up my bedroom. That's the reason why my bedroom is so mess at that moment. All sorts of feeling well up in my mind as I saw the familiar windows and shades. I miss the noisy of 1st floor's food market from coming in through my windows; I miss the sound of reading aloud from opposite middel school through my windows; I also miss the feeling of breeze brush my cheek when I open the windows. I remembered clearly that the days I cried secretly when I closed the windows and door in my bedroom. It always makes me feel safe, it is just like a refugee only belongs to me.
In fact, nobody can turn the clock back, so look forward. And I made a decission to leave for the United States in order to chase my dream. Though it is a challenge for me in studying and living, I believe that it is also a better
chance to developing independance and toughness. What's more, it will contribute to my future development. Of course, I will study hard and treasure the precious
opportunity. All good thing come to an end, In the other hand, god will provide a better one for you as long as you trust yourself and make an effort to do. Do you find the window to your future?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Blog(4) This door changes my life
When I came San Francisco in 2006, I opened this door to go to downtown campus of City College. I was learning English classes in noncredit class. After one year I found job as sale worker at Payless Shoe Store. I like this job that I can have conversations with customers. But my shoulder was hurting, so I couldn't go on with this job. I had to go back to my home and closed the door to think how could I do? I was so disappointed. I came back at the school to go on English. I decided to take a test and learn Child Development courses. I wanted to be a teacher and I should pursue my dream. I went to ocean campus taking the test that I couldn't pass on the first time.I didn't feel discouraged, I kept learning English. After a half year I took the test again, and I was happy that I passed it. I had learned basic child development 12 courses and got associate teacher permit. I was happy to find a primary school's job. This time I teach special needs children in the school. I have a part time job and I have still studied in City College. I resolve to pursue next dream that complete a AA dgree.
This door opens to send me going school and working. This door close to protect me relaxing at home. This door sees me to overcome difficulty. This door changes my life.
<Blog 4>
Give up, or Overcome ?
Have you ever been frustrated because of failed tests? When i was a high school student, I had to take part in composition to receive a prize to enter a classical music university. I was not familiar with that subject. Even though i started learning play the piano from eight years old, it was not easy to receive a prize. My hometown is very small island. So whenever i go to take part in composition to capital, or other cities, I had to take flights. So the more i take part in composition, the more my parents spent money for flight, or lesson fee. Before i entered the university, around 3months ago, I started taking part in composition.
First time i went to other city with my mother, where is called "Chung-Ju", and we decided to stay there for two days and one night. Before i participated a contest, we made plan to look around the city, and eat delicious things after finish a result. Maybe mother and i were too excited. I believe we expected that i was going to receive a prize at the contest. Unfortunately, i couldn't get any prize. Mother told me that it was okay. it was first time to participate the contest, you can take other contest again. I didn't want her to know my feeling that i was so depressed, and disappointed. I tried to let it goes(result.) After a week, i had to take in composition again. The result was not good again. Ever since then, i remember i took several times more. At that time I was so frustrated. The reason why i felt like i was so stupid, and i just wanted to give up to get composition major. I can tell door was completely closed. My opportunity of entering the university was getting disappear. First of all, I was afraid about classical music. I resented everything. I thought that why did a god give me ordeal. :( I went through very hard time for three months. I was almost getting give up to enter the university which is i really wanted to. During that time, my mom always supported my, and trust me that i could do it. I really wanted to give up, but I didn't give up. I got lots of stress, but i couldn't give up easily. I tried to go through hard time, and finally i got a prize. I could go to the university which is i really wanted to. At that time i didn't want to talk about this story because it's embarrassing ordeal, and i didn't want anybody to know, but i now can tell my embarrassing ordeal story.
I think both ordeal time, and luck time come to everyone some day. We don't have to afraid. We can overcome whatever it is. I believe, the more you think worse way, the more situation gets worse. On the other hand, The more you think good way, the more situation gets good.
(I just searched that picture, it is not that famous door or something. I wanted to express when i went through hard time, so i am uploading closed door picture. I hope from now on, i will have good luck. wish me good luck. )
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
How The Temperament Is
Here are 2 funny pictures which I saw on the Internet.Actually, it is just 1 picture but someone edited it by using Photoshop.The editor cut the young handsome man and the older man’s heads and pasted their heads to their each body.
A magical time is coming. We can easily find it however the bodies changed, the handsome young man is still hand some,and the older man still looks...strange?
How the temperament is!
A magical time is coming. We can easily find it however the bodies changed, the handsome young man is still hand some,and the older man still looks...strange?
How the temperament is!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
There are some pictuces of Shanghai, my hometown. The first picture too small, so I add other two pictures.
You can see Pu Dong of Shanghai how develope between thirty years. From 1990, Shanghai government made a plan to develope Pu Dong--East of Shanghai. Nowadays, here is a famous fanancial center of the world. I believe Shanghai's further will be better.
Stop to eat fast food
The left side one is taken by 2008, and the little boy is my young brother, Brandon. My family was move to the United States in 2007 late. In the beginning, my brother didn't eat any more junk food at China because my parents never buy it to him. But after we moved to San Francisco, he saw have many fast food store near by our house, and he usually eat it after school. That is why he looks fatty in the right side. I know the fast food is very delicious for everyone, but it is very unhealthy for people.
Although people know the fast food is unhealthy food, they think it is very yummy food, and very fast to get the meal. As like McDonald's always has some news about what's wrong with it is, since they have many problem in the food. If people watch a movie "Super size me", it is about a man to try eat fast food in a month, and he wants to check what problem do he would after one month is. Of course, when he eat fast food after one month, his body was changing to bad way. He became a fatty one, and he had the high blood pressure. He made this movie is wants to show people why we should stop to eat fast food now.
In my opinion, we can eat a little fast food in our life, but don't eat too much. Now, my parents are make the health meal for my young brother, and they didn't let him continue to eat any fast food. But he doesn't like to exercise, so he still looks like a fatty one. The right side picture was taken by 2011, when we finish the bowling game, then we taken some pictures to waiting other people to leave there. I think in this year, my brother was be a little skinny one because he is very busy with his assignment now.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Younger and Oldere
Do you see any different? In fact, the top one is older than the bottom one. I took the top one when I was a middle school sttudent. I took the bottom one when I was a high school student. Maybe you are thinking about the different is the glasses. Many people said I have a baby face. My friends usually ask me why you have no change in a few year. I don't think so. I mean not focu on my face. I mean my heart has change a lot. I don't want to change.
I did anything hard when I was student in middle school. I lived in China when I was a middle student. In China, your grade is represent your anything. If you get a bad grade they will just say you are not a good student. If you can get a good grade they will say you are a good student. That is no matter on you did something good or bad in your life. They are not thinking about anything except you grade, so I tried to get a good grade or a better grade for my parents. I didn't my parents be disappointed. I never think about my future.
I moved to America. I felt I change a lot. I felt too relax and I am too lazy. I usually forget something I need to finish. I take notes for try to remember something important, but it is not always can work. Sometime, I just forget to read my notes and forget to finish my homework or something improtant. Now, I decide to put the post on my desk. When I come back home and sit on my chair, I will see any work I need to work on.
That's why I don't to change a lot.
The Twins
I have two kids. They are Carrie and Garland.Carrie is the older sister and Garland is the younger brother, even though Carrie was born five minutes earlier than Garland.They are twins, but they don't look the same. They are sixteen years old.They go to the same school,and they are in the same class.They like playing computer. Apples and chicken are their favorite food. They like studying. Look! They are doing their homework.Now I can tell you they have a lot of difference. Carrie likes dancing,she took part in several dance competition in China, but Garland likes drawing, he draws well and his hand-writing is good. His teacher always ask him to make the wall newspapers for his class.
Carrie works harder and studies better than Garland. I remember one day when they were in Grade Three in China, the teacher asked the class to write a composition. The name of it was "My Mother". Carrie wrote a composition, but Garland said,"Carrie, let me have a look." Garland read it and copied it. The next day, the teacher asked Garland, "how is it that your composition is the same as your older sister's, Garland?" "You know, we have the same mother."answered Garland with a smile, and the whole class laughed."
I like my kids very much.They are a part of my life. They often help me a lot with my housework.I hope they can go to a good university in the future.
A famouse bulding in UCLA
building's 1,833-seat concert hall has often been used for recording sessions of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. It serves as one of the home venues for the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. Luminaries who have appeared on its stage include musicians George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein, and Ella Fitzgerald, and speakers Albert Einstein and John F. Kennedy.
In 1960, Henri Temianka founded and conducted his "Let's Talk Music" series at Royce Hall; this orchestra became the California Chamber Symphony (CCS), which gave more than 100 concerts over the ensuing 23 years, including premieres of major works by such composers as Aaron Copland, Dmitri Shostakovich, Darius Milhaud, Alberto Ginastera, Gian-Carlo Menotti and Malcolm Arnold. Soloists who performed with the CCS under Temianka’s direction included David Oisrakh, Jean-Pierre Rampal and Benny Goodman. A "Concerts for Youth" series included participation by children from the audience.
Parts of the film "The Nutty Professor" were filmed in Royce Hall. Also, presentation of the annual Los Angeles Times book prizes are made during the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books in association with UCLA in Royce Hall.
Two pictures are not only smilar, but also different. One is taken in the daytime, and the other is taken at night.The daytime picture has a girl in front of the building. The nighttime picture is not any people. The daytime picture is natural light, the night picture is bright. Thanks to my daughter for taking the pictures. I am looking forward to seeing this building.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The Perfect Sunset
Meanwhile, the beauty of the sky in these two pictures are similar, each of them have their unique style. One shows a perfect blue sky, without clods, amazing colors, mixes in purple, pink, and orange. The other shows a mix of grey and lots of clouds, and a strong orange. You can also perfectly see how the light of the sun gives to the water a reflection like a mirror between the mountains and the bridge.
I was so lucky I had this view, and I will have them forever, not only in my camera also in my memory. Those pictures represent a lot to me. I had the opportunity to live in such a beautiful house, in this amazing city. Sometimes, I wish a have a better camera or be more talented to catch all these moments that are simple beautiful.
Are You alone?
Do you know what is different for these pictures? The two photos were taken by my younger sister in seaside last year. It is the same place in the photos, but there is differnet person in these pictures. We can see the first picture has a girl who is walking alone at seaside, and we can feel she is lonely when we see her back. However, there are two girls in the second picture. They are walking together at seaside. And the girl in the first picture looks like not lonely because there is anthoer girl to accompany her.
In our life, we always have sometime to feel lonely, but we always have our family and our frieds who always accompany us. When we are happy, we can share our happy with them. When we are unhappy, they can comefort us. When we are in the trouble, they will help and in our side support and encourage us. They give us courage which never give up, and they warm our lonely heart. As if the girl in the picture is accompany by someone in her life. Thefore, in our life we have a lot of friends if we still feel lonely.
Did I Change?
Do you know where this is? Here is one of the tourist attractions of San Francisco: Downtown. The first picture was taken when I arrived in San Francisco after two days. At that time I was a tourist and I took this picture at Powell Street. The second picture was taken by one week ago and I stood almost the same place. Did I changed? Did I changed the better or the worse? The first one and the second one are more similar than different when you look at location, my hair style, and my weight.
The first similarity is the location of the two places in these pictures. I stood at Powell Street. Also, there was a cable car in the back. This area is the most famous scenic spot. It contains shopping, eating, and veiwing. There were lots of shops in the both sides of the street. For example, GAP, H&M, and Burgin King. Between this two years, these brands have nothing changed. There are a few differences between these two pictures are the number of the people who were waiting for the cable car. The first one was taken in the morning time and there were too many people, while the second one was taken in the afternoon time and just a few people there.
Second, I was the long hair in the two both pictures. I was long hair two years ago and I didn't tie up my hair when I took this picture. Similarly, I was still long hair just tied up my hair when I took the second picture. I think tie up the hair make me look younger.
Third, I almost the same weight between these two pictures. I'm happy that I am almost the same weight like before. Lose weight is hard for me, so without bigger size actually is a good news for me. If let me measure by scale I'm fatter than before, but the good thing is not obvious to see in the picture. Right now I change to less care about weight and more care about health. I think the most useful way is do more exercise.
In conclusion, while there are a few differences between the first one and the second, I think the similarities are more obvious. In location, hair style, and weight are almost the same. There's nothing changed in Powell Steet and there's nothing changed on me.
Good As New!!!
Good As New!!!
Do you think these two picture are similar or different? If you just overlook of them, they are almost nothing different. Actually, both of them are different by the first picture is a car already got hit at the headlight from another car, and the second picture is the car after we brought it to a car service center to fix it as well. This is my friend's car that the first picture I took it last year in financial district neighborhood when both of us went there for our lunch. After we finished eating, we walked to the car. We saw the car was scratch and the headlight cracked immediately. How you can feel that if you have your own car and you really love it. At that time, we were thinking how it happened, and we were so mad that how another car drove. After minute, we just calmed down and talked what we should do. We thought why they did not drive carefully, and they did not leave any information to claim for us to require insurance company. Fortunately, when we talked with a agent of insurance company, and they were acceptable with our claim. Then they took the car to the garage, and precessed to do it in order.
As you can see, the second picture I took it after two weeks later. We were worried about the car that how well they was going to fix it. Anyway, when my friend and I saw it at the first time, we were really satisfied with how they fixed the car. They fixed it so well, and it looked good as new. Moreover, while my friend's car was fixing, the garage gave the nice spare car for us to use at that time without charging right away. That realized us the advantage of paying the premium insurance coverage that before I thought it was not necessary. Eventually, my friend got his car back with the happiness, and it looked new as same as before it got hit such as color and shape of the car.
Two Pictures Taken 60 Years Apart
Two Pictures Taken 60 Years Apart
Do you know who they are in these two pictures? In the left photo people are my grandparents. In the right picture are my grandparents and their three daughters ( from left to right , their are my two younger aunts and my mother). You may not believe it, the left photo have taken for nearly sixty years. As you see in this photo, my grandparents still were very young. My grandfather was blooming and handsome, my grandmother also was so beautiful. According to my mother, they were just twenties even younger than me. In contrast, the right photo my grandparents already were eighties. Sixty years have passed so fast, and also have changed a lot. During the sixty years, my grandparents experienced many important things of their lives such as their three children be born and grew up, and the children also have their own families and kids. Now, my grandparents already had grey hair and wrinkles, seem to be very very old. However, they are still so content their lives because they are happy that they can see their kids and grandchildren have grown up.
In addition, when I was watching these pictures, they had deeply touched me. Because during sixty years that more than half of a century, my grandparents are still very affectionate like the moment when they were newly-married. How hard to maintain a love and keep the feeling between a couple during sixty years! So I am so envious their love. And let me recognize a simple sense that whatever the time lapse so fast, only you can get a true love of your life, that will be enough.
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