Start from nothing to something.
In general, all people want to become successful. However, the true is that not all of them can achieve it. After, watching the videos of Panyee FC, and how bad do you want it, I learned that success is you, so to be successful is something that is up to you. According to my knowledge people become successful for many reasons. These are some reasons how people become successful, they are born with talent, they discover their talent, they believe in themselves, they have the desire to do something, they have dreams, they have goals, they want to show what they can do, they are independent, they are responsible, they never try to give up, and they work so hard to become successful. I think this is how people become successful most of the time. In general, I am not that successful yet, however, I am working on it now because i believe in myself that some day I will become very successful. So, hope will be the last thing that i will lose to become successful. When it comes to me I always make many things sure that i succeed in my goals. For example, I always believe in myself that i can succeed in my goals no matter what it takes. Second, i make sure that i still have a plan to succeed in my goals. Third, i tell to myself that it is all up to me to succeed in my goals. Next, I make sure that I'm being responsible, and working hard to succeed in my goals. All these I do in order to succeed in my goals and not to fail them.