Sunday, May 13, 2012

One Day

What’s the definition of “success”? I check my dictionary and it shows: the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. I see it mentioned termination and endeavor. In my opinion, I don’t agree the whole ideas.
First of all, I don’t think success is the end. I think success is a new start point of another area. For example, graduate from the elementary school is a successful milestone for a child, but that is not the end. He still needs to study hard to middle school or university or find a job. We will never see the end until we are died.
Second, the word ”endeavor” includes two kinds of meaning. One is let us try something and another one is do our best to finish this thing. Having a positive attitude to try every chance is a good habit. If we try something that means we still have the chance of success, but if we don’t try that means we have zero chance to success. I don’t like wring articles when I was a child in China. I need to write three short essays every week. There had an optional writing competition in the end of semester when I was in the grade seven. I didn’t take part in this competition at first because I think final is more important than this game. After few days later, my Chinese teacher asked me to her office and encouraged me to have a try. At the same time, my parents had heard this competition and encouraged me again. I took part in the game and surprised I won the prize. This experience made me have a huge touch. I would not get the prize if I didn’t take part in the game. I thought I could not hold everything, but I did. We have the huge power need to explore.

Success in some parts doesn’t mean you are successful and also fail in some part means you still have the chance to success and you are closer to success. We all faced the challenge and the fail, but we still need to go on. One day, we look back our life, we will happy that we have experience of we tried lots of different things. My nearest goal is to graduate from CCSF and transfer to a good university and I think most of you have the same goal with me. After we find the way to success, we need to do the best to achieve this goal. If you finish your goal of course means you are successful, but if you don’t finish the goal you set at the beginning don’t be discouraged. Follow your own opinion without others interfere.
I’m not as successful as I want, I’m on my way and I will never give up.


  1. I just love to read your writings! It's just encouraging! And, I loved that you saying "We have the huge power need to explore". Honestly, when I went through blogger to check, very first thing was to check yours :) I'm addicted to

    1. Thank you so much. I saw youre comment everytime carefully and I'm really happy that you like my writing style. Thanks again.

  2. Nice thoughts and excelent discusson between what you think and the definition of the word success! But let me tell you something: YOU ARE VERY SUCCESSFUL. Don't forget that ;)

  3. You are right that success isn't the end, sometimes it means we start a new goal. And I believe you can be successful.
