Sunday, April 8, 2012

one of my important thing-- my glasses

I think this glasses is one of my important thing, and I can not image that I leave it even just a while. 

  This glasses bought in China. One thing is very interesting: In China, take a eye test is free, but buy glasses very expensive. I spend more than one thousand RMB for this glasses . But  I stil thought that I really need this glasses. When I go outside or go to shopping, I will wear contact sometimes. But I always change to wear this glasses when I back to home to allow my eyes relax.


  1. I can not live without my glasses either!

  2. This glasses can help you see everythings

  3. Same as me, my glasses is very important as well. I always take off contact lens when I'm home, it seems like I'm blind. Therefore, my glasses is very valuable for me.
