Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A sketchbook that I just bought it today

      Through the topic of our talking that we got something important for us, I was thinking about it over and over what to post here. There are not a few things to introduce as important for me such as my favorite cup, a bracelet that my mom gave it to me for being good, a book that changed my mind as much as I could do, my country's flag that I always have everywhere I go and some other things that I have. 
        As we think about our life is normal as same everyday and think about in a box, nothing will be changed. I realize Nothing is impossible. Even you make mistakes to try something that you want to do, that changes you little by little by positive side. I'm interested in almost everything but I feel sorry for myself that somehow sometimes I can't do the things that I wanted to do and imaged in my mind. If you really want it, nothing will stop you to catch it. Nowadays, I'm realizing that I'm interested in drawing. Honestly, I'm not good at studying because I always procrastinate from it somehow, but I know education is the way to get the success in your life. 
        As far, I'm trying to say one of my interest is drawing. It could be even my career job. I always loved arts such as photography, dancing, music, etc,.. Today I bought that sketchbook from Japantown and when I was walking through photography section of the store, I catch a sight of this book. I looked through the cover, the girl who has a dark brown hair that falling into her eyes, affected to my mind "Get it Mona or lose it". I would say never judge a book by it's cover but this thing has blank pages that could be the start of my drawing. I can't wait to spend my time on it and see what I drew at the end. I'm so happy now that I made myself feel happy :)

1 comment:

  1. Good idea. I like the little girl on the page. So start drawing if you think that make u happy. I'd like to see wt u draw at the end of the semester.:)
